It’s over a dozen years now since we decided to spent certain amount each year on financial support of treatment and rehabilitation of disabled people – mainly children. The group of over a dozen such children have a status of ‘Pro Novum’s ward’, which means that their needs are – amongst hundreds of other asks – recognized by our Board as priorities and we help them first. Our wards’ parents keep in touch with us which is why we always know what is going on in their children’s lives and what bothers them. Within this Program the Company transferred some funds for Cordis Hospice in Myslowice.


We also participate in financing the projects for children-patients of Katowice hospitals. They are usually prepared as theatre performances by actors from Theatre for One Smile from Cracow and actors cooperating with Cracow Foundation ‘FUNKOMITYWA’. The events are realized as a part of the project called ‘The Clinic of the Golden Dragon’. Recently such performances were organized to commemorate Child’s Day, St. Nicolas Day or Chocolate’s Feast for example for:

  • children-patients from the Stanislaw Leszczynski Hospital in Katowice,
  • children from Rehabilitation and Education Center for Disabled Children run by the Foundation of Help for Disabled Children from Katowice
  • children-patients from the Upper Silesian Health Center of Child in Katowice
  • Children from the Upper Silesian Health Center of Child in Katowice –Ligota showed their thankfulness by granting the Company the title ‘The Friend of a Child’.

Responsible business in the time of coronavirus
For many years we have been supporting shows given by One Smile Theater and Funkomitywa Fundation for the youngest patients of local hospitals.
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the organization of such performances was suspended, which is why Pro Novum decided to cofinance the purchase of gifts for children, which were given to them safely on Children's Day.
The parcels were prepared individually in consultation with the hospitals staff and were composed of such items that could be disinfected before being handed over to the children.