The project was created in connection with the need of Polish power sector to extend the service life of more than 40 power units of 200 MW class by 2030-2035 and to adapt them to cycle load, particularly as a sub-peak and peak units. These units (live steam parameters: 535oC; 13,0 MPa, superheated steam parameters: 535oC; 2,3 MPa) represent a significant part of Polish National Power System (about 40% of the centrally disposed manufacturing units) and are best suited for flexible operation. Ensuring safe operation, high availability and low maintenance costs are the basic requirements of the Polish operator.
The project have been coordinated by Economic Society Polish Power Plants. The realization was entrusted to Pro Novum and its participants were representatives of 6 capital groups from Polish power sector were power units of 200 MW are operated (TAURON, PGE, ENEA, EdF, GDF/Engie, ENERGA).
The project have been divided into 3 parts:
- Development of ‘Guidelines for life extension of thermos-mechanical equipment of 200 MW power units to 350,000 hours’ (Part I) based on:
- Diagnostics performer during scheduled standstills,
- Analysis of operation condition in on-line mode,
- Testing of decommissioned elements,
- Failure analysis,
- Analysis of selected economic data,
- Risk analyssis in on-line mode,
- implementation of diagnostic system as an Internet platform LM System PRO+®.
- Development of ‘Guidelines for life extension of thermos-mechanical equipment of 200 MW power units to 350,000 hours’ (Part II) including cycle load and power chemistry (correction of chemical parameters of the medium, standstill anti-corrosion protection.
- Development of an Internet portal to integrate Internet platform LM System PRO+® and integration and analytical modules to enable proper transfer of data to the portal (for those units, which have not been equipped with LM System PRO+® platform). The system provides individual and collective (for all users of the portal – all capital groups operating in Polish power sector) reports issued periodically presenting schematically information and knowledge. The portal is also a tool for exchange of experience for its users.
Our project allows you to standardize assessment of all one class power equipment in whole National Power System by providing significant information and knowledge in on-line mode, which supports a rational reduction of maintenance costs as well as safety and high availability.
Technological innovation of the project lies in:
- Possibility of safe lifetime extension, over the design time, of critical elements of thermo-mechanical power equipment of 200 MW units,
- Assessment of such equipment depending on its operating conditions, especially in peak and sub-peak mode,
- Possibility of a rational reduction of maintenance costs thanks to RBM methodology,
- Relation between technical condition, Maintenance expenditure and Energy prices.
- Integration of such information is provided by Pro Novum’s index of flexible operation defined in on-line mode.