On April 22-24, 2021, the 3-Days On-line "HIDA-8" International Conference "FAILURE, CRACKING, DAMAGE & LIFE ASSESSMENT IN HIGH TEMPERATURE PLANT" organized by ETD took place.
In the current issue of 'Śląskie Wiadomości Elektryczne' you may read the article by Jerzy Trzeszczyński entitled Diagnostics as a source of knowledge and operation strategy.
In the current, ninth issue of VGB PowerTech' you may read the article by Jerzy Trzeszczyński entitled & Ewa Trzeszczyńska entitled Diagnostics as a source of knowledge and strategy for coal-fired units operated in a flexible mode.
The next, 22nd Informative & Training Symposium DIAGNOSTICS & OVERHAULS OF POWER EQUIPMENT Diagnostics as a base for operation strategy took place on October 8-9, 2020 in Katowice.
During the ceremonial opening of the 22nd Symposium the SEP RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE have been handed out to the Pro Novum CEO Mr. Jerzy Trzeszczyński.
4th May 2020 the International Credit Information Agency Creditreform made the report on payment capability of our company. It is our pleasure to inform that Pro Novum once again obtained the Credi...