

Publication in 'Nowa Energia'

In the current, second issue of 'Nowa Energia' you may read the article by Pro Novum experts.


Pro Novum Bulletin 1/2022

First Pro Novum Bulletin in 2022 have been published in the March number of 'Energetyka'.


'Solidna Firma'  ceremonial gala

On March 25, 2022, at the Warsaw House of Technology NOT in Warsaw, a ceremonial gala of awarding certificates to the winners of the next edition of the 'Solidna Firma' competition was held.


President of the Board Mr. Jerzy Trzeszczyńsk is an expert on behalf of Busines Centre Club

President of the Board Mr. Jerzy Trzeszczyński was appointed an expert on energy security and energy transformation in the Regional Silesian Council for Social Dialogue in the light of the economic consequences caused by Russia's military invasion of Ukraine.


Program Power Units 200+

Program Power Units 200+  Innovative technology for changing the work regime of 200 MWe class power units" was successfully completed by Pro Novum.


Pro Novum Bulletin 2/2021

Second Pro Novum Bulletin in 2021 have been published in the December number of 'Energetyka'.


Forbes Diamonds 2022

We are pleased to announce that we are among the laureates of the prestigious group of 'Forbes Diamonds' 2022.


Pro Novum Bulletin 1/2021

First Pro Novum Bulletin in 2021 have been published in the September number of 'Energetyka'.


The Reliable Company 2021

It is our pleasure to inform that Pro Novum eight time obtained the Reliable Company 2021 Certificate.


Silver Cross of Merit of the President of the Republic of Poland

We are honored to announce that on October 17, 2021 President of the Board Mr. Jerzy Trzeszczyński received the Silver Cross of Merit awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland.


The European Medal

We are pleased to announce that we have received the European Medal in the XXXII edition of the program, awarded by the Business Center Club for diagnostic supervision over the conditional operation of power elements.


Publication in 'Nowa Energia'

In the current, second issue of 'Nowa Energia' you may read the article by Jerzy Trzeszczyński entitled Diagnostics accompanying the energy transformation.