On 6th October 2011, during our 13th Symposium 'Maintenance of thermo-mechanical power equipment' Recommendation of SEP for Pro Novum (prolonged for the sixth time) have been passed to the Presiden..
In the ninth number of ‘VGB PowerTech’ you can read the article by Paweł Gawron entitled 'Copper in power pressure equipment - problems in operation and maintenanc
n the first number of ‘Przegląd Energetyczny’ you can read the article by Jerzy Trzeszczyński D. Sc. Eng. entitled “Extension of the operating period of the power plants produc...
In the current issue of 'Przegląd Spawalnictwa' you can read article by Jerzy Dobosiewicz M.Sc. Eng & Wojciech Brunné D. Sc. "Causes of pipeline leakage ammonia water near to welded joi...
In the current issue of 'Nowa Energia' you can read article by Jerzy Trzeszczyński D. Sc. Eng. "Extension of the operating period 200 MW power units – technical conditions for success" . ...
In the latest, first number of ‘Przegląd Energetyczny’ you can read the article by Jerzy Trzeszczyński D. Sc. Eng. entitled “Extension of the operating period of the power plants..
It is our pleasure to inform that 13th Symposium DIAGNOSTICS AND OVERHAULS OF THERMO-MECHANICAL POWER EQUIPMENT ‘Managing the productive property of a group of power plants’ will take...
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