WATER&HEAT 2013 fairs
You are invited to the 2nd edition of the show for boiler techniques, thermal processes and industrial water - Water&Heat, which will take place from 4 to 5 June, 2013 in Cracow.
Water&Heat fair is the only event of this kind in Poland where for two days the best experts from Poland and abroad share their experience and valuable knowledge. This event is addressed to everyone who is familar with issues and problems connected to thermal industry. During the fair you will be able to get acquiainted with solutions and devices dedicated to both heating plants and companies with a unit responsible for power management in the business.
Seminars and presentations, which are an inseparable element of the easyFairs trade shows, are interesting additions to the offer.
Pro Novum is one of the exhibitors - we invite you to our stand No A14.
This year we encourage you to take part in the learnShops seminars where Pro Novum specialists will give presentations:
- Chemical cleaning of power equipment,
- LM System PRO+® - system approach to diagnostics.
For more information about WATER&HEAT click here.