Pro Novum Bulletin 1/2018
First Pro Novum Bulletin in 2018 have been published in the March number of 'Energetyka'.
It contains the following articles:
- Łukasz Górny (EIB S.A.) - Extend of the operation and flexibility of the power plant equipment in the context of insurance coverage
- Rafał Szyja - Assessment of degradation of the properties of pipelines’ materials operated in creep conditions based on non-destructive tests, destructive tests and calculations
- Marcin Kijowski - Modernization of main steam pipelines fastenings of 500 MW power units in ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o.
- Ewald Grzesiczek, Sławomir Rajca - Diagnostics of heating turbines supporting their life extension over 300 000 hours
We invite you to read the Bulletin here (only Polish version).